
Mark 10:45 reminds us that "Christ did not seek to be served but to serve" - and for Jesus this meant laying down his life. This sacrificial attitude towards service is why we have 'Sacrificing for God' as a priority for our church.

To help our lives reflect Christ's sacrifice, seeking to serve each other for his sake is a wonderful way to follow in his footsteps and carry out his mission.   


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Altar Servers

Members of the Altar Team assist the priest in the distribution of Holy Communion. Other responsibilities include reading the Bible and leading intercessory prayers during public worship .

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Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is a dedicated group of men and women who prepare and maintain all of the vestments and supplies used during our worship services. More recently, members of the Altar Guild have begun participating in Sunday worship - processing the bread and wine at the Offertory as well as assisting at the distribution of Communion.

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Those who serve as ushers during worship services provide a kind welcome and practical help to both parishioners and visitors. Offering a warm welcome is something we take pride in at St. Timothy's and our ushers and greeters are the front line of that effort. Practically, the ushers assist in tidying the church before and after the service, handing out bulletins, directing traffic, collecting the weekly offering, and counting both the monetary gifts and the number of attendees at every service.

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Pastoral Care

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He-Brews Fellowship Time

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