What we do

Everything we do at St. Timothy's is geared towards helping us live into our vision (Being the Church) and carry out our mission.  All the groups, activities, and events can be grouped into four categories: formation, fellowship, service, and outreach.


The Christian faith is a life-long journey to become like Jesus.  To do this we must be formed into his likeness (2 Cor. 3:18). 

Formation here STC takes account of our first two goals: learning about God and praying to God. 

Click here (or on the image) to see how we do that. 


In Acts 2:42, we read of the importance of fellowship in the early church.  Not only is it  good for Christians to be connected, but it deeps the faith we have in Christ as we see his image in our fellow brothers and sisters in the church.  

Click here (or on the image) to see the ways we fellowship.


Mark 10:45 reminds us that "Christ did not seek to be served but to serve" - and for Jesus this meant laying down his life.  This sacrificial attitude towards service is why we have 'Sacrificing for God' as a priority for our church.  

To help our lives reflect Christ's sacrifice, seeking to serve each other for his sake is a wonderful way to follow in his footsteps and carry out his mission. 

Click here (or on the image) to learn ways you can serve. 


Jesus commissioned his followers to go to the ends of the earth to seek and save the lost.  Starting with our local community, we seek to 'Love because of God' - letting his love for us inspire us to reach out to those in those outside the church.

Click here (or on the image) to see the ways we seek to do this.